![8670a0eb669a316fb09258fef5ac7d1f.png](0f894fe536714b69ab5f6fabc6423638.png) ![13abe9eeb39a3e04a72920a01027b1a6.png](e0529452af89452ab642025232b5e0e9.png) **Notes:** 1. The questions are always in the same order 2. Sending the wrong answer will move to the next question but provide the correct answer to the previous question **Goal:** Write a script that collects every right answer and then sends them in order to complete the challenge **Script:** ```Python import requests import re url = "http://timesink.be/quizbot/index.php" answers = [] header = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/6.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0'} s = requests.Session() i = 0 while i < 1000: data = {"insert_answer":"wronganser", "submit":"answer"} r2 = s.post(url, headers=header, cookies=s.cookies, data=data) answer = re.findall('<div id="answer" align="center">(.*)</div>', r2.text) answers.append(answer[0]) print(str(i) + ' ' + answer[0]) i += 1 x = 0 while x < len(answers): data = {"insert_answer":answers[x], "submit":"answer"} r3 = s.post(url, headers=header, cookies=s.cookies, data=data) print('Sending answer: ' + answers[x]) if x == 999: print(r3.text) x += 1 ``` ![9571a9facde3375bbe109a48b66698a3.png](4a2b9ddfa08345169f441a2f41236539.png) ----- Back to [[_WebSite Publish/CTF/CTF Index|CTF Index]] Tags: #scripting #web_scraping #ctf #python Related: