# Web [[Lightweight Contact Book - LDAP Injection (HactivityCon)]] [[Note Surfer - OAuth CSRF - HacktivityCon]] [[Template Shack - JWT and SSTI - HacktivityCon]] [[Bite - Null Byte LFI - HacktivityCon]] [[GI Joe - PHP CGI Argument Injection - HacktivityCon]] [[HackyHolidays 2020 - PHP Blacklist Evasion - Hacker1]] [[HackyHolidays 2020 - API hacking 1 - Hacker1]] [[HackyHolidays 2020 - API hacking 2 - Hacker1]] [[HackyHolidays 2020 - Brute Forcing and Password Cracking - Hacker1]] [[_WebSite Publish/CTF/Web/Two of Spades - SQL Injection - Metasploit|Two of Spades - SQL Injection - Metasploit]] [[Body Count - LFI - Command Injection - RCE - CSICTF 2020]] [[The Confused Deputy - XSS - CSICTF 2020]] [[Inj3ction Time - SQLi Union - CTF Learn]] [[GraphQL - GlacierCTF 2022]] [[Injection - SSTI - DCTF 2021]] [[Secure API - JWT Hacking - DCTF 2021]] [[Redis - RCE - Kringlecon 2020]] [[HPNY - PHP Stuff - TetCTF]] [[Mr Hekker - XXE - vulncon 2020]] [[c0ntrol mini 0x01 - SQLi - Boolean Blind - Red Team Village CTF]] [[c0ntrol mini 0x02 - SQLi - Blind - Red Team Village]] [[c0ntrol mini 0x03 - SSRF - Red Team Village CTF]] [[c0ntrol mini 0x04 - SSRF - MySQL - Red Team Village CTF]] [[Unknown Name - PHP - Mail Header Injection - w3challs]] [[Drunken Bathrobe - MXSS - Filter evasion - Unknown CTF]] # Pwn [[Hidden Flag Function - Buffer Overflow - 247CTF]] [[_WebSite Publish/CTF/Pwn/Hidden Flag Function with Parameters - Buffer Overflow - 247CTF|Hidden Flag Function with Parameters - Buffer Overflow - 247CTF]] [[Pwn Intended 0X2 - Buffer Overflow - Controlling the Instruction Pointer - CSICTF 2020]] [[Pwn Intended 0X3 - Buffer Overflow - Controlling the Instruction Ponter - CSICTF 2020]] [[_WebSite Publish/CTF/Pwn/Pinch Me - Buffer Overflow - Controlling the IP - DCTF 2021|Pinch Me - Buffer Overflow - Controlling the IP - DCTF 2021]] [[Pwn Sanity Check - Buffer Overflow - Controlling the IP - DCTF 2021]] # Reverse Engineering [[The Sleighbell - Reverse Engineering - Kringlecon 2018]] # Misc [[Quizbot - Scripting - BrixelCTF]] [[Phriedman Systems - Phone - DawgCTF 2021]] [[No Step on Snek - Python Shell Escape - DawgCTF 2021]] [[MDL Considered Harmful - ImageMagick - DawgCTF 2021]] [[Jellyspotters - Python Pickle RCE - DawgCTF 2021]] [[Command Injection and SQL - Kringlecon 2018]] [[Python Shell Escape - Kringlecon 2018|Python Shell Escape - Kringlecon 2018]] [[ARP Shenanigans - Scapy - Scripting - Network - Kringlecon 2020]] [[CAN-Bus - CANBUS Car Hacking - Kringlecon 2020]] --- Back to [[Home]] Tags: #indexpages Related: